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Coulter Department News

Scientists have developed a new technique for studying RSV, a common childhood illness.

New research shows one way that a molecule leading to RNA might have first formed.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration grants public-private partnership five year award

Senior faculty, junior faculty, trainees and staff recognized

Honorific in the world’s largest general scientific society is determined by peers

John McDonald, professor in the School of Biology and director of the Integrated Cancer Research Center, has also spent many…

To celebrate the life and scientific legacy of Wallace H. Coulter, his namesake department is hosting a celebration on Dec. 5-6…

Researchers are attempting to engineer an injectable therapy for the shoulder’s supraspinatus tendon, a rotator cuff tendon that…

The University System of Georgia Board of Regents has approved the appointment of Krishnendu (Krish) Roy and Todd McDevitt to…

The Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Steve Potter, associate professor in the Coulter Department, are…

The MAID team was awarded third place in the National College Inventors and Innovators Alliance BME Idea competition

Charlie Kemp's lab investigates how people react to a robot in a healthcare setting.

Conference runs at the Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience November 4-5.

$1.48 M Awarded for Single Molecule Probes

Garcia Lab Research ft. in Science Translational Medicine Journa

NSF Awards Stem Cell Bio-Manufacturing Research and Edu. Program

Melissa Kemp Wins the Council of Systems Biology in Boston Awar

Mark Prausnitz presents the Medtronic Lecture at Oxford

BME Hosts Collaborative Meeting if Brain2Grid Group
May 18, 2021

Cheng Zhu leads study of immune system protein that helps control T cell activity

May 13, 2021

Associate Professor Rudy Gleason wins Georgia Tech’s Denning Award for work on health disparities in sub-Saharan Africa